Corporate governance
Ensuring good corporate governance is very important to Komax. Objectives in this area include safeguarding company value and success in the interest of customers, shareholders, staff, creditors, suppliers, and the public, as well as the provision of transparent, rapid, and simultaneous information to all stakeholder groups. Komax takes as its starting point the principles and regulations of the “Swiss Code of Best Practice” of Economiesuisse and the Directive on Information Relating to Corporate Gover- nance (Directive Corporate Governance, DCG) of SIX Exchange Regulation, and gives account of developments in this area each year in the Annual Report. The key elements are laid down in the Articles of Association, the Organizational Regulations, and the Regulations on the Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee. In addition, the Board of Directors regularly looks at the issue of corporate governance and initiates the corresponding adjustments where appropriate.